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What is 'EditiX'?

EditiX is a cross-platform XML Editor and XSLT Debugger designed to help web authors and application programmers take advantage of the latest XML and XML-related technologies such as XSLT, XSL-FO, DocBook, SVG or various XML schemas.

Summary of EditiX

EditiX has an XSLT debugger and an XML Differencing support. It provides users with an extensive range of XML functionality within a refined IDE that guides you with intelligent entry helpers. The user can manage remote files from FTP, WebDAV or from an archive file like ZIP or JAR. It includes real time XPath location and syntax error detection. Some content assistants are provided with context syntax popup supporting DTD, XML Schema, and RelaxNG. Multiple templates and project management are bound to editiX. The user can apply XSL, XSL-FO or DocBook Transformation by shortcuts and show the result in a dedicated view. EditiX includes default templates for XML, DocBook, DTD, XHTML, XSLT, XSD, XML RelaxNG, SVG, MathML, and XSL-FO.

EditiX is available for Windows, Mac OS X and Unix/Linux.

New in EditiX 2.1

  • Powerful content assistant for DTD and Relax NG ( working with cardinality, or dered and non ordered list )
  • The error line is shown when validating by Relax NG
  • SubstitutionGroup\' and \'abstract\' element are managed by the W3C Schema content assistant
  • The parsing error message is maximized inside the statusbar
  • Update for the DocBook XSL stylesheets
  • New docking windows for the XSLT Editor
  • The XSLT editor, XML data source or the XSLT result can be maximized
  • HTML 4 output preview for XSLT usage
  • Coloration for XSLT tags inside the XSLT editor
  • Regular expression and incremental search
  • Assign a Relax NG document is now available inside the DTD/Schema menu
  • XML Relax NG generator from an XML document
  • Size of each file is shown while browsing by FTP or WebDAV
  • A beep is sent for each terminated background task
  • Various bugs fixed

A 30 day free trial is available.

For pricing and other details, visit the site at At the time of writing, prices are inside a range of $25 to $99.

Other Terms

A9AlgernonantAOPArtificial Intelligence
awkBeanShellCCamel CaseCastor
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DOMEclipseErlangExpert SystemExtreme Programming
Firefoxfirst class objectFortranFreeMindGroovy
SwoogleTrojan HorseXML-Java BindingXMLSpy